Description: A naive and jaunty cue suggesting clumsiness, silliness, or a jocular stroll through the garden.

Description: Starting with a low thump and featuring a monstrous gasp from the brass, this should scare the Sugar Daddies out of the front row.

Description: Mischievous and comedic cue suggests sneaking around in the dark, perhaps bumbling along.

Description: Use this sharp note cluster to punctuate intense moments, announce scene changes, or abruptly end a piano solo.

Description: Fast, confident strings sail over 4/4 drumming and a gritty synth in this 30-second spot-- projecting both modernity and class.

Description: This blue piano rag has a reflective and slightly melancholy quality. For a similar cue with a more positive outlook, listen to Mood Paint's "The Harbor."

Description: Analog synths freak over a manic 4/4 rhythm. Has a distinct mechanical quality which is both creepy and haywire. Loops seamlessly while offering variety.

Description: Awash with choral light and a dark Middle Eastern flourish, this bumper can introduce current religious, political, and cultural topics. For a companion transition, listen to Mood Paint's "War on Terrorism."

Description: Queasy strings and percussive chants from the left and right suggest unease. Use to suggest any brief imbalance or peptic disquiet.

Description: Shimmering desert sun saturates a middle eastern wind player in this ethnic bumper. For a related cue, listen to Mood Paint's "Terror Defined."

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