Description: Plaçant la vaisselle et les ustensiles sur une table.

Description: Ouverture d'étain avec ouvre-boîte de main.

Description: Tapoter les coussins de fluff à leur.

Description: Old manual slide projector being switched on and off.

Description: Sorting through old 35mm film slides.

Description: Rumbling sound of a ceiling cracking with dust and debris falling.

by hubb | wav | 0:05 |

Genres: Effets sonores , Ménage Divers

Description: Rumbling sound of a ceiling cracking with dust and debris falling.

by hubb | wav | 0:06 |

Genres: Effets sonores , Ménage Divers

Description: Rumbling sound of a ceiling cracking with dust and debris falling.

Description: Rumbling sound of a ceiling cracking with dust and debris falling.

Description: Seeds popping and crackling on a heated pan.

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