Description: recordings of a ghoulish and creepy voice saying: Happy Halloween.

Description: Un enregistrement de l'eau qui s'écoulent difficilement dans un collecteur d'eaux pluviales après un orage. Ce fichier effectue une boucle en toute transparence pour vous faciliter la tâche.

Description: Une voix drôle de bande dessinée, disant: « Bon travail » d'une façon enrichissante.

Description: 15 recordings of a medium sized audience: laughing, cheering, clapping, and more!

Description: 15 recordings of a medium sized audience: laughing, cheering, clapping, and more!

Description: 3 recordings of ocean waves crashing on the shore.

Description: 7 Recordings of various rock impact sounds. Rocks smashing, crashing, falling, rolling, and more!

Description: 14 Various Glass bottle sounds: Case of bottles, clanking, wobbling, and cheers!

Description: Various recordings of an apple being eaten.

Description: Various recordings of a record player needle being placed onto a record, as well as the vinyl record being placed onto the record player.

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