Description: sound recorded by FXProSound. Usable in media, game, foley. Acoustic: processed, envelopped, normalized.

Description: Recordings of a man clearing his throat.

Description: Recordings of a man clearing his throat.

Description: Recordings of a man clearing his throat.

Description: Recordings of a man clearing his throat.

Description: A woman clearing her throat

Description: Sonore de : faucons mâles forts

Description: Compensation de la gorge, Man, 4 Versions, homme ; Digiffects ; Toux, soupirs, éternuements, Snores, Snorts, respiration sifflante & bâillements

Description: compensation Glaires-mucus de la gorge

Description: raclements de gorge, voix de femme, de l'homme. Effets sonores et de droits d'effets sonores libres de Creative Audio Visual projets tels que YouTube, TV, Cinéma, PowerPoint, Flash, et tous les médias.