Description: Sound recording of a distressed cow hyperventilating and she moos.

Description: Sound recording of some distressed cows or cattle bellowing out loud desperate moos.

Description: Sound recording of several angry cows mooing loudly.

Description: Sound recording of a distressed cow desperately mooing loudly.

Description: Sound recording of a cow bellowing out a loud angry moo.

Description: Enregistrement des effets sonores d'une vache en détresse criant un fort « Moo » !

Description: Enregistrement d'à l'intérieur d'une étable.

Description: Bœuf, chiot, cochon de lait sur la tétine du testing bg vache, mouvement beuglante, Turquie chante

Description: Vache, veau bawls à demi-distance et vache répond proches

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