Description: A little deeper in the reeds, in the bayou south east of New Orleans. Near a channel where shrimp boats head out to the gulf.

Description: Bayou south east of New Orleans, in the reeds near a channel where shrimp boats go the gulf from. Lots of birds and bugs and a light breeze through the reeds.

Description: Foghorn in Bodega Bay, California. It sounds every five seconds. Recorded from nearby on Bodega Head.

Description: A ride in a small box on a small conveyor belt loaded with squeaks and small clanking

Description: Busy carpeted hallway full of conventioneers bustling between halls.

Description: Beer pour from tap in large tavern, some banging around and walla

Description: Bodega Head, closer the road and parking areas with the distant foghorn

Description: Blustery location at Bodega Head in Northern California

Description: Beer pour from tap in large tavern, small crowd

Description: Un train de banlieue diesel passe par un passage à niveau. Barrières sont abaissées, les cloches sonnent. Ce train circule en sens inverse lors du passage en ville!. Effets sonores et de droits d'effets sonores libres de Creative Audio Visual projets tels que YouTube, TV, Cinéma, PowerPoint, Flash, et tous les médias.

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